Saturday, November 1, 2008

Triathalon or Trygramomathon

This last week was a real bawl. I had a lot of Diaper patrol, kissing Boo-boos, reading lost of stories, cleaning spills, and having spells.
Lots of cuties and lots of cooties, lots of joys, and lots of toys.
Pick your dish, and no picking your nose, follow the rules and stop the "No' s".
Joy was felt when mommy came home and Daddy too, squeals of happiness was ours to view
Good thing God gave babies to young moms, you see. Cause Grandma's aint got the mush no more (except on the floor).
PS It was lots of fun too, and I enjoyed the trio of joy!!!
They all are darling and I made it to the finish line!!!Love MOM rmp


Ruthi said...

Thanks so much for coming up!! We so much appreciated all of your hard work!!! We love you.

Jen (and family :)

canihavethisdance said...

You are amazing!! I have thought of you this week and kept you in my prayers! You are a special woman and Jared, Jen and the girls are so blessed to have a grandma like you. Thank you for taking care of our sweet granddaughters so Jen could join Jared!
Diane (Smith) said...

Cute stuff mom. Way to go! Your grandkids will always love you to pieces!! love julie